Saturday, October 16, 2010

My First Blog

Wow, all these years. Reading, Working, Traveling the Internet and I never really added anything to it. Well hello world! Welcome to my first blog.

I suppose I should state what this Blog is about, I suppose this is about what I am about.

What can I say we all got to eat, my wife Chat, my life long friend Larry and Myself love to go out to the Movies and Dinner. Almost every Friday or Saturday we will check out the latest flick and have a bite to eat, hence the name 3 Dining Out.

Did I mention Movies. We love to watch the shows, but after years of watching and collecting movies it has become apparent there are some glaring similar themes in the types of movies we like:

#1 - Sci-Fi is King. We love futuristic movies. Who wants to see the reality of now? We all want to see a beautiful rendition of a future that could only be produced by the rendering of thousands of computers and the geeks who turn them into magic wands.

#2 - Military Hardware. Guns and men or even better women who know how to use them. Now that's the stuff!

#3 - Wanton Violence. OK this is optional, but let's face it. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly would have sucked if no one got shot. Although there is a wide latitude to violence in our trio, I quite enjoy the action violence of a great shoot out like, the bank scene in Heat, where Chat and Larry enjoy the Horror Movies scary scenes that I find soo predictable. Movie Violence is like a wine, it's all wine but each has his own pallet. (some like Burgundy, some like Rosette)

-Geek Stuff-
Really, all the world needs is another Geek spewing ramblings onto the internet. I assume it will be unavoidable for me. It's how I make my living and much of what I think about. Perhaps I will post about what I do, I'll save that for later.

Well That's a start,
See you Online

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